Augustinian Recollects - Official web site of the Order of …
Official website of Augustinian Recollects. We are in the United States, Central America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa, following the charism of St. Augustine.
Being Augustinian Recollects - Agustinos Recoletos
We Augustinian Recollects are religious consecrated to God who live our vocation by opting for a life of radical commitment through the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. This allows us the freedom to fix our gaze and aspirations on God, giving ourselves to the mission that the Church entrusts to us. What is our life like?
Where we are - Agustinos Recoletos
The Augustinian Recollects are a religious order made up of about 1,000 religious who, living fraternal life in community, want to follow Christ, chaste, poor and obedient; they seek the truth and are at the service of the Church; they strive to grow in charity according to the charism of St. Augustine and the intensity proper to the Recollection, …
What we do - Agustinos Recoletos
The Augustinian Recollects are present in 20 countries. Based on their charism in the experience of prayer, community life and the mission entrusted by the Church, the Augustinian Recollects carry out pastoral work in missions, parishes, educational centers and social projects.
Liturgical Calendar - Augustinian Recollects - Agustinos Recoletos
Sal 49: Al que sigue buen camino le haré ver la salvación de Dios.
Our Order in the first six months of 2024 - Agustinos Recoletos
Jul 11, 2024 · Our Order in the first six months of 2024 We have reached the halfway point of 2024! In the first six months of this year, the Order has witnessed major events and promoted new initiatives that reflect its commitment and dedication to its spiritual and social mission.
Our Life - Agustinos Recoletos
Community life Fraternal life is very important for the Augustinian Recollects. Each community organizes its life by preparing a project of life and mission in which the times of common prayer and fraternal sharing, community activities and the various apostolic services are indicated. The community is apostolic and its first apostolate is the community itself. The Augustinian Recollect ...
Augustinian Recollects missions in seven countries - Agustinos …
The Order of Augustinian Recollects has had missions since its inception. She is currently responsible for evangelization in eight mission territories.
Augustinian Recollect Family - Agustinos Recoletos
The Augustinian Recollect family is made up of the various women's congregations, the youth movements and the Secular Fraternity.
Social - Agustinos Recoletos
Social Justice ARCORES International dreams of a world free of poverty in which the promotion of human rights – economic, social and cultural -, social justice, solidarity, peace and the integrity of creation take precedence over other economic and/or political interests; in which all individuals and peoples can develop, without discrimination, and can exercise their right to participate ...