Sojo University - Sojo International Learning Center
Introducing Sojo University [English with Japanese subtitles] Introducing Sojo University [English with Chinese subtitles] Information about Kumamoto. More Information about Kumamoto
General Information|Sojo University
Career Support|Sojo University
Sojo University provides its international students with job search guidance, private consultation, and other support tailored for job hunting in Japan. We also provide consultation not only on job hunting, but also regarding advancement to higher education.
Access|Sojo University
Fare from Kumamoto Station to Sōjōdaigaku-mae Station: 210 yen (one way) Fare from Kamikumamoto Station to Sōjōdaigaku-mae Station: 160 yen (one way) * Get on the bus at No. 4 platform in front of Hanahata Square in Kotsu Center Temporary Bus terminal.
Faculty and Graduate school|Sojo University
Sojo University Graduate School, which upholds the concept of interdisciplinary and industry‐university cooperation, is one of the most advanced research institutions in western Japan, and its state-of-the-art efforts serve as the backbone for education in the various faculties.
Contact|Sojo University
Sojo International Center. 4-22-1 Ikeda, Nishi-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto 860-0082 TEL: +81-96-326-3178 (direct phone number) FAX: +81-96-326-3574 E-Mail: [email protected]
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Sojo University
We also focus on the researches not only to develop new medicines and medications but also research mind of pharmacists. Researches are performed in 19 laboratories and DDS (Drug Delivery System) research center. Join us, and set your sights on becoming high quality pharmacists in Sojo University.
Admission and Fees|Sojo University
Applicants must submit the four “documents to be submitted” shown below to Sojo International Center. For details, refer to the Enrollment Procedures sent out by the university after being accepted for admission.
Yasuhiro Ohshima - Professor at Center for Education and …
Technical Advisor: SOJO Ventures, Sojo University. April 2015--present Member: Committee of Faculty Development, Educational Affairs Department, Sojo University.