WASHINGTON — The National Academy of Sciences is presenting its 2025 Public Welfare Medal to Mary-Claire King for her pioneering genetic research and its transformative application to human rights.
Organizer: Mel Wohlgemuth, University of Arizona and Ed O’Brien, Pennsylvania State University INTRODUCTORY SPEAKER: Ricardo Samms, Eli Lilly and Co.
The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is the NASA Astrophysics Division’s next flagship mission. Roman will conduct surveys of the sky to help reveal some of our Universe’s most interesting ...
Distinctive Voices highlights innovations, discoveries, and emerging issues in an exciting and engaging public forum. Do you wonder how things work? What the future holds? If you are curious about the ...
WASHINGTON, DC – The Editorial Board of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) has selected six papers published by PNAS in 2024 to receive the Cozzarelli Prize, an award that ...
SPEAKER: Improving SARS-CoV-2 Drug Development: Using AI and Molecular Dynamics to Understand Mutations and Resistance, Yang Li, Global Health Discovery Institute (GHDDI) SPEAKER: Image-based Deepp ...
Search the profiles of NAS members by keyword OR use the filters below. When searching with multiple filter options, records that meet all of the criteria will display. Select more than one entry in a ...
Larry Edwards is a geochemist with interests in climate history, climate change,and geochronology. Edwards is known for his role in the development of modern uranium- thorium (or 230Th) dating methods ...
In my lab I use C. elegans molecular genetics and genomics to study problems in developmental biology and physiology. I have have studied the pathways by which microRNAs and other small RNAs regulate ...
Over the course of her career, Professor Kimberly Prather has co-authored over 230 publications on a variety of topics related to atmospheric aerosols. Awards for her work include being an elected ...
Cynthia Dwork, a Distinguished Scientist at Microsoft Research, spearheaded a successful effort to place privacy-preserving analysis of data on a firm mathematical foundation. A cornerstone of this ...
Dr. Angelaki is the Wilhelmina Robertson Professor & Chair of the Department of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine, with a joint appointment in the Department of Electrical & Computer ...