In the popular TV series Vikings, it’s Ivar the Boneless who perhaps steals the spotlight with his peculiar personality, ...
The discovery of royal tombs and war chariots in Sinauli, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India, in 2018 revolutionized ...
El descubrimiento de tumbas reales y carros de guerra en Sinauli, en el estado de Uttar Pradesh, India, en 2018 revolucionó ...
The Bisenzio Project, an international and transdisciplinary initiative led by Andrea Babbi, a researcher at CNR ISPC ...
El Proyecto Bisenzio, una iniciativa internacional y transdisciplinaria dirigida por Andrea Babbi, investigador del CNR ISPC ...
Aunque a primera vista se podría pensar que la figura representada en la esfera de mármol de 30 centímetros de diámetro conservada en el Museo de la Acrópolis en Atenas es la Estatua de la Libertad, ...
The official recovery operations of the Greek ship from the classical era, known as "Gela II”, have begun. This significant ...
Han comenzado oficialmente las operaciones de recuperación del barco griego de época clásica conocido como “Gela II”, un ...
In James Cameron's film Titanic, there’s a deleted scene where a crew member, played by Irish actor Liam Touhy, is seen, ...
It is reasonable to deduce that in the successive phases of prehistory, humans, in their effort to create a warmer ...
The joint Egyptian-German archaeological mission between the universities of Sohag and Berlin recently discovered the ...
La misión arqueológica conjunta egipcio-alemana entre las universidades de Sohag y Berlín ha descubierto recientemente la ...