Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith authorised “every constable” in New Zealand to take Kim Dotcom into custody and detain him until he could be handed over to American officials, as part of ongoing ...
The usual suspects are up in arms because the Government diverted $30 million for teaching teachers te reo, to an initiative to teach students maths. This is the reality of government - you have to ...
Debbie Ngawera-Packer spent $39,000 in airfares in three months which is $3,000 a week. She lives in New Plymouth where return airfares from Wellington are around $400 a week. new retiring Labour MP ...
Waka-jumping laws are fundamentally undemocratic and wrong—except when a coalition agreement forces us to support them, after which we will vote for their repeal to affirm our opposition, but then ...
On Tuesday 24 September I had the misfortune to watch Jenny-may Coffin interview the PM on the Government’s tighter guidelines for working from home in the public sector. Let us count the ways in whic ...
If you felt life got worse in the last five years, you were not alone. The 2023 General Social Survey data lets us see the changes since 2018, and 2021. Changes are: Enough income to live on down from ...
The armed forces of New Zealand and Australia have swapped deputy commanders at their respective joint forces headquarters, signaling that they consider the defense of their nations an interconnected ...
This chart uses data from the General Social Survey. As you can see trust in four vital government institutions increased slightly from 2016 to 2018. Since then it has plummeted for all four ...
The fifth health target is that 95% of patients wait less than four months for elective treatment. Again in 2015 and 2016, over 99% got treatment within four months. It has now dropped to 61.8%. A ...
Schools will have to play their part in setting a good example as well. This means not taking teacher-only days during term time. Under existing regulations, and terms in the union contracts, ...
So, John Horner of the Financial Markets Authority thinks that KiwiSaver’s reaching $100 bn “…is something to celebrate; for a relatively small country like New Zealand, it represents a coming of age ...
The fourth health target is for 95% of patients to wait less than four months for a first specialist assessment. From June 2015 to June 2017 almost 100% of patients got a first assessment within four ...