The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has earmarked 13 substances for assessment due to their suspected harmful effects on health and the environment – in addition to pushing back evaluations for 12 ...
EU member states have agreed not to table amendments to a proposal delaying deadlines for corporate sustainability rules in a bid to fast track its entry into force.
The EU executive will seek to ensure that climate and environmental protection is better reflected across its legislative ...
A new EU system governing waste trade notifications must allow national authorities to coordinate action against waste criminals, a group of nine member states has said.
Full access to for 12 months Infringements Dashboard - Understand how current environmental directives are being interpreted and where the pitfalls are for member states Individual and ...
Full access to for 12 months Infringements Dashboard - Understand how current environmental directives are being interpreted and where the pitfalls are for member states Individual and ...
Full access to for 12 months Infringements Dashboard - Understand how current environmental directives are being interpreted and where the pitfalls are for member states Individual and ...
Full access to for 12 months Infringements Dashboard - Understand how current environmental directives are being interpreted and where the pitfalls are for member states Individual and ...
Full access to for 12 months Infringements Dashboard - Understand how current environmental directives are being interpreted and where the pitfalls are for member states Individual and ...
BusinessEurope has urged MEPs and member states’ permanent representatives to find an “appropriate solution” for companies obligated to begin sustainability reporting this year, arguing that for some ...
EU citizens have ranked inflation and defence as the most important policy areas for the European Parliament to address – with fewer saying that climate action is a priority.
The EU executive has put forward its initial priority mining and processing projects under the Critical Raw Materials Act, ...