This website uses cookies to integrate certain content. In order for you to use all the functionalities on this website, it ...
Berlinale – that’s 75 years full of stories, minor and major scandals, unforgettable moments and, above all, a long and ...
The 75th Berlin International Film Festival is supported by the Principal Partners Armani beauty, CUPRA and Mastercard.
Admission to the screenings for people of 18 years and over only (with the exception of Generation screenings). If a film has an FSK age-rating certificate, appropriate age-based access can be granted ...
Tickets sind online und immer 3 Tage im Voraus jeweils ab 10:00 Uhr (also z.B. am Montag für den Donnerstag) zu erwerben und können - nach Verfügbarkeit - bis zum Beginn der Vorstellung gebucht werden ...
Vom 15. bis 21. Februar rückt Berlinale Goes Kiez das Kiezkino in den Fokus. An sieben Tagen werden ausgewählte Festivalfilme in den Programmkinos der Hauptstadtregion gezeigt. Ergänzt wird die Reihe ...
A special series “Moritz’ Favorites” recalled de Hadeln’s dedication to the Berlinale and international film: movies which he brought to Berlin, which told 22 years of film history. Success, which had ...
"The Berlinale has an incomparable atmosphere. I look forward to it every year anew. To the films I see, to the people I meet. [...] The Berlinale is a village made up of people from hundreds of ...