Hummingbirds’ eyes can see ultraviolet light, unlike humans. ©CounselorB/ Like most birds, hummingbirds have peripheral vision that helps them ...
Corgis have achieved fame because they are beloved by Queen Elizabeth II, who has kept them since she was a child. But corgis were not bred to be pampered royal pets but as cattle dogs. That they are ...
If you’re interested in animals, then you might have noticed that there are no tigers in Africa. Here, we’ll find out whether or not there really are tigers in Africa and, if not, why. Tigers are some ...
Woolly mammoths lived during the last Ice Age, stood 13 feet tall, and tipped the scales at 12,000 pounds! With their shaggy fur, gigantic tusks, and long trunks, woolly mammoths looked like ...
Appearance Extremely long arms, legs, and tail. Colors depend on the species. Small, miniature monkeys. Fur color depends on the species. Tail Extremely long prehensile tail. Long non-prehensile tail.
Tigers are frequently regarded as one of the most ferocious and yet majestic predators in the wild. As apex hunters, we have always been quite fascinated by tigers and what makes them so interesting.
Ridgeback dogs have a unique strip of fur down the center of their backs, along their spines, that grows the opposite way of their other fur. This stripe can either be the same color as the rest of ...
Pufferfish are fish that puff up when they feel threatened. This unique feature fascinates so many of us. These fish are also pretty adorable with their large eyes and diverse variety of colors and ...
Have you ever wondered just what that small flying insect is that’s buzzing around your face? One of the most annoying things is getting bitten by an insect but not knowing exactly what it is that’s ...
Killer whales are incredibly large mammals that live up to that name from time to time. They’re powerful and smart, and they can take down other dreaded creatures in the ocean’s depths. Among the ...
Part of the evolutionary process is the inevitable extinction of different animal species over time. For some species, this simply means slowly evolving into something different, while for others, it ...
Dogs with healthy bodies do a great job at fighting off infections–but sometimes their immune systems can’t handle the infection, and your pup gets sick. While we never want to see our fur babies hurt ...