India Energy Week press conference discusses India's gas hydrates potential, challenges, and slow progress in extraction.
Navigating earthquakes is a tricky part of living in Japan. In the average year, Japanese people are shaken around 1,500 ...
If the entire population were to try to hold two weeks’ worth of “inventory,” simple calculations indicate a demand of about ...
The probability of a magnitude-8 or -9 megaquake occurring in the Nankai Trough within the next 30 years has risen to “around 80 percent,” according to the government’s Earthquake Research ...
Japan's internal affairs ministry on Wednesday presented a new plan to send officials from some prefectures to help other areas hit hard by a possible massive earthquake in the Nankai Trough off ...
In August 2024, Japan Meteorological Agency issued what it calls Nankai Trough Earthquake Extra Information, which is a bulletin about the possibility of a major quake occurring in the Nankai Trough.
Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has announced details of the planned release of government-stored ...
According to the agriculture ministry, consumer purchases of rice since August had increased by 20-40% year-on-year, influenced by the emergency advisory on the heightened risk of a Nankai Trough ...
TOKYO — Japan will sell 210,000 tonnes of rice from its emergency stockpiles as households are paying record prices for the ...