"My feelings aren't fragile, my heart isn't bleeding. I am a badass believer in human rights," the quote continues.
"My feelings aren't fragile, my heart isn't bleeding. I am a badass believer in human rights," the quote continues.
This quote has been floating around online for years but was never linked to Eminem until November of this year ...
When I was a candidate for U.S. Senate in 2014, I witnessed the start of a troubling trend in reporting and campaigning.
The stagnation of the working class, the problems facing large cities, the 'uppity-ness' of women of color, the snarky-ness of the liberal snowflake, and the loss of 'black jobs,' are all tied to the ...
Throughout his second term, Trump will be given a more direct spotlight and it is nearly guaranteed he will slip up, or say ...