On filmmaker Subhash Ghai's landmark 80th birthday, producer Siddharth Roy Kapur has expressed gratitude for handing over the title “Deva”, a name that has been in Ghai's cinematic custody since 1987, ...
Bollywood’s leading ladies have always been at the top of their fashion game. Check out some of the backless designs that are a crowd favorite.
Mahesh Babu took to his social media handle to share his thoughts on Sukriti Veni Bandreddi starrer Gandhi Tatha Chettu.
Prashant is the deep-dimpled baby of the family – and the runt of the litter, as far as his sister Jayu (Kshitee Jog) and brother Kiran (Siddharth Chandekar) are concerned. Kiran is staggering about ...