Relying on urban myths is the last thing you'd want to do when dealing with an extremely painful jellyfish sting. Most of the information out there on how to treat jellyfish stings might actually ...
Beachcombers who walk the Texas coast this March may spot an unusual jellyfish among the usual marine life. The Mushroom Cap Jellyfish (Rhopilema verrilli), a rarely seen visitor, has been washing ...
Although a few kinds of jellyfish can cause life-threatening stings, mostly it just burns, swells, itches, and leaves tracks along your skin. Here's how you treat it Rinse your skin in salt water.
meaning that if you sliced a jellyfish down the middle, the parts would be symmetrical, like the segments of an orange. These cnidarians are famous for their stinging abilities. The intensity of the ...
He is believed to be the first person to die from a sting from an Irukandji, a peanut-sized jellyfish whose venom heightens the heart rate and blood pressure. There is no known anti-venom.
There are an estimated 150 million jellyfish stings worldwide every year. Some are serious and even life-threatening, but most are just painful. So what’s the best advice if you do get stung?