Traditional threat modeling falls short when it comes to AI agents. Enter the MAESTRO framework, a 7-layer threat modeling ...
According to the permit, Walt Disney World Resort has contracted MMR Constructors, Inc. to perform electrical improvements at the attraction. The permit is valid until March 5, 2026, meaning the ...
Republicans filed a complaint with the Wisconsin Judicial Commission accusing Crawford of courting donors with a promise to change congressional maps. The back-and-forth over the state’s ...
Fast displaying of maps is possible thanks to GPU-accelerated vector tile rendering. It originated as an open-source fork of mapbox-gl-js, before their switch to a non-OSS license in December 2020.
This Flutter plugin allows to show embedded interactive and customizable vector maps as a Flutter widget. This project is a fork of flutter-mapbox-gl, replacing its usage of Mapbox GL libraries with ...
Since 1973, Freedom House has assessed the condition of political rights and civil liberties around the world. It is used on a regular basis by policymakers, journalists, academics, activists, and ...
Identifying the key vector and host species that drive the transmission of zoonotic pathogens is notoriously difficult but critical for disease control. We present a nested approach for quantifying ...