The U.S. Navy said the deployment of USS Nimitz will focus on protecting the nation's security, freedom, and prosperity.
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) – About 1,300 Pacific Power customers in SE Bend lost power for a time Friday morning, shortly after Central Electric Cooperative finished restoring power to about 8,000 homes ...
This study investigated an extreme sea surface warming in the midlatitude western North Pacific (MLWNP) during the summer of 2012. The 2012 extreme event was characterized by warm sea surface ...
Of those, 39 passed to the south and southeast of Taiwan, the ministry said, having previously said it had detected 36 aircraft heading to the Western Pacific to carry out drills with the Chinese ...
The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council concluded its 2020 third-quarter meeting recently with actions related to electronic reporting for Hawaii longline fisheries, annual catch ...