Looking to introduce more unique plants into your collection? The Venus fly trap is a great option, although you might want to learn how to care for it before you take the leap. Venus fly traps ...
Venus flytraps are unique and fascinating plants, so it's no surprise that so many people try their hand at growing them.
After all, they're typically at the bottom of the food chain. But the Carolinas are home to one vicious vegetable: The Venus flytrap. Using its famous trap, it can catch prey faster than you can ...
An insect lands on the open leaves of a Venus flytrap plant, drawn to an appealing scent. It noses around and accidentally brushes one of the trap’s trigger hairs. An action potential shoots across ...
The magnetic chomp of a Venus flytrap—and more science dispatches The magnetic chomp of a Venus flytrap—and more science dispatches Read Venus Flytraps Have Surprising Pollinators ...
A Pokemon fan shares a creative design depicting a pre-evolution for Carnivine, and the Pokemon community responds excitedly.
A new type of soft robot can crawl like a worm, climb cables, and suddenly snap into a completely different shape to move in a new direction—all controlled by a single air input. This breakthrough, ...
If you’ve ever wanted to experience a tiny slice of life from a bug’s vantage point, now’s your chance. The University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum hosts “Savage Gardens: The ...
The swampy pine savanna within a 90-mile radius of Wilmington, North Carolina, is the one place on the planet where Venus flytraps are native. It is also home to a number of other species of ...