Celebrate Passover in New York with a seder-inspired restaurant dinner, an online seder or a post-Passover musical Mimouna.
Bring a bit of food history to your holiday table with this skillet-cooked salmon with artichokes from the Matzah and Flour ...
Newtown Interfaith Council (NIC) has planned a Seder to celebrate Passover on Sunday, April 6, 2 pm, at Newtown ...
Sir Keir Starmer, whose wife and three children are Jewish, remarked that, like other families attending a Seder, “we mark this Passover under a dark cloud.” ...
Caiaphas was the high priest when Jesus was crucified and pushed for His death. The Pharisees and the Sadducees met at the ...
For many, Passover planning begins the day they sift through bags of Purim goodies. Then faced with the inevitable panic, ...
PJ Library, best known for sending free storybooks to Jewish families with young children, has lots of resources designed to ...
If you are new to the area, don’t have family in town to celebrate with or are not hosting Seder this year, chances are you ...
A new children’s book about traditions, learning from other cultures and bringing people together was released this month, ...
Spring has arrived, and the north awakens to new life. After a tough year, nature returns stronger, with stunning blossoms, ...
The Ramada Olivier Hotel in Nazareth offers a second night at 50% off for the summer season. Enjoy Galilean cuisine, a ...
In many homes today, wine is the star of the Passover show. And with a wide selection of award-winning kosher wines available ...