Shocked rangers have come to the rescue of a critically endangered turtle after they found it trapped beneath driftwood in ...
Sea turtles live in every ocean in the world except for the Arctic regions. There are seven species of sea turtles and six of ...
HERE is a cool fact about sea turtles: the incubation temperature of their eggs determines their offspring's gender. Read ...
The City of New Smyrna Beach said Turtle Trackers volunteer Jackie Frymire was enjoying an early morning walk on March 9 when ...
Environmentalists raise awareness on turtle conservation as nesting season begins in Venezuela :: Alcatraz Island, Venezuela ...
Many researchers have documented the lives of sea turtles. Videos like this one prove how lucky we are to witness the life ...
Endangered Olive Ridley turtles return to Eakakulanasi island in Gahirmatha marine sanctuary for mass nesting, marking a ...
The law was put in place to protect endangered sea turtles that lay eggs on local beaches and the hatchlings that make their ...
While olive ridley turtles lay eggs off several coastal states along India’s east and west coasts, the highest concentration ...
hundreds of sea turtles will emerge from the surf to lay eggs on the beach each night. Nesting season runs from May 1 through Oct. 31. On average, over 580 nests are laid in Volusia County.
They face many threats at sea and onshore. But finding what exactly killed a turtle that washed ashore on a Malaysian beach ...
Green turtles are back to lay eggs here, but the rapidly increasing human activity along the beach is posing a serious threat ...