Defiant Life album review by Doug Collette, published on March 21, 2025. Find thousands jazz reviews at All About Jazz!
Guitarist and composer Jake Hertzog, an assistant professor of music, has released his 10th studio album: The Ozark Concerto for Guitar, Jazz Orchestra and String Quartet on Zoho Music.
Pittsburg State University students will have the chance to learn from and perform with a master trumpet player and jazz ...
Spread the loveJazz, with its rich history and diverse styles, has produced countless masterpieces over the decades. This ...
Herbie Hancock is using his octogenarian years to relay some sage advice to other musicians, telling the BBC in a new ...
The halls of Lehman College are alive with the smooth sounds of Duke Ellington’s “I Didn’t Know About You,” as 17-year-old ...
A musical marathon at Bach Around the Clock, better patient healthcare at Augusta Health, Bridgewater College's jazz bands to ...
Alongside Grammy award-winning saxophonist, composer and producer Joe Lovano, the Brown Jazz Band guided audience members ...
Volland is thrilled to host an exceptional afternoon of jazz featuring six talented musicians from the University of Missouri ...
To see these musicians perform again, attend the Bearcat Serenade on May 10 – Paso Robles High School is home to some of the ...
A crowd gathered at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 27 in Bliss Hall’s Spotlight Theater to hear two Youngstown State University jazz combos ...
Red Cat is roaring back to life, this time, in a venue Sam had been eyeing for years—Bayou Place—in the heart of Downtown ...