The almendro tree may have evolved to attract lightning, which helps clear more space for it to grow, according to new ...
Belize is widely regarded as a global leader in conservation, home to vast rainforests, diverse wildlife and the ...
Genetic diversity is key to creating more resilient agrifood systems that withstand challenges such as shifting climate patterns. Since 80 percent of the food we consume is plant-based, preserving a ...
The first roads that cut through rainforests are well-known conduits for deforestation. However, new research finds that secondary roads, those that branch off the primary road, cause far more forest ...
The report projects that by 2030 the global supply of forest biomass will triple, driven largely by European and Asian policies that classify biomass as renewable energy.
Today is International Day of Forests, with a focus on the crucial link between forests and food security, as over five ...
The Forest Declaration Assessment Partners call for urgent reforms to the international financial system to halt deforestation and protect biodiversity.
The report outlines eight specific actions governments must embrace now to ensure they arrive at the COP30 climate summit in Belém, Brazil — a city that serves as a gateway to the Amazon rainforest — ...
Sustainable forest management is an important strategy for the conservation of tropical secondary forests. However, knowledge about their potential for timber production is scarce, especially in the ...
Despite our improved understanding of the importance of mangrove forests and their ecosystem services ... salt marshes, coral reefs, and tropical rainforests is at risk and in need of increasing ...
significantly increasing access to remote areas and accelerating forest degradation. Tropical forests face widespread environmental threats from road expansion. Previous research established that ...