And it's safe, too, as long as you protect your skin. Ultraviolet (UV) rays – from the sun and other sources like tanning beds – are the number 1 cause of skin cancer. Too much exposure can also cause ...
Here we look at the dangers of sun exposure: Experts believe that on the hottest days of the summer normal skin can burn in 20 minutes and claim brief, intense exposure to the sun raises the risk ...
It tends to occur in areas with more sun exposure. Melasma is not harmful, but it may affect how a person feels about their appearance. The conditions occurs more often in females than males ...
Low sun exposure linked to high rate of multiple sclerosis in Ireland, new study finds Sweden has the highest prevalence of the disease followed by Canada and Norway. Stock image ...
Prenatal and early life sun exposure was associated with lower risk for relapse in children with pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis (MS), a new prospective cohort study showed. At least 30 minutes ...
This study investigates the serum 25-hydroxy-Vit D [25(OH)D] status in healthy US civilians and identifies how the two main sources, sun exposure and dietary Vit D intake, determine the final 25(OH)D ...