A SPERM WHALE sighted near the coast of Co Wexford has been reported to be swimming relatively strongly from the estuary out ...
Two killer whales have killed dozens — if not hundreds — of sharks, including the vaunted great whites, with an ease that has ...
Teeth from sharks and rays can be used to study their diet, but one of the biggest challenges in shark science is collecting ...
Coffman Cove commercial fisherman Dugan Paul Daniels, 55, was sentenced on Monday to six months in prison for illegally “taking” an endangered sperm whale and falsifying fishing records in 2020.
Sperm whales, the ocean’s gentle giants, hold an air of mystery and awe. These magnificent creatures navigate the vast ocean depths, carrying an aura that captivates the imagination of both scientists ...
A sperm whale is seen in an undated photo published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (NOAA photo) A federal judge in Juneau has sentenced a Southeast Alaska fisher to six ...
But they also acknowledge, on some level, that McDonald’s is the fast food chain, the world’s most far-reaching. Until now. Newsweek reports how neither McDonald’s nor Starbucks are the ...
and provide food for sharks and other fish and many invertebrates." The study, published March 10 in the journal Nature Communications, calculates that in oceans across the globe, great whales ...
and provide food for sharks and other fish and many invertebrates.” Published today (March 10) in Nature Communications, the study estimates that great whales—including right whales, gray whales, and ...
Food chains show the complex, interconnected relationships between all living things in our ecosystem. Each aspect of the food chain, including producers, consumers, and decomposers, all contribute to ...
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