The amount of water coming out of Shasta Dam is expected to slow from 60,000 cubic-feet per second to 40,000 cfs by Thursday ...
Current local time in Pacific Daylight Time (Pacific Daylight Time time zone). Get information about the Pacific Daylight Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving ...
Is it time to stop changing our clocks twice a year? Here's a state-by-state look at efforts to make daylight saving time ...
Is it time to stop changing our clocks twice a year? Here's a state-by-state look at efforts to make daylight saving time ...
After a warm week, colder temperatures and rain are expected next week.
Leaders of Eastern and Southern African regional blocs met for an unprecedented joint summit on Saturday to find a solution to a conflict in eastern Congo, where Rwandan-backed rebels’ rapid ...
The Southern University Human Jukebox and many New Orleans natives took to the field to bring New Orleans culture and sound to the Super Bowl. New Orleans native Harry Connick Jr. kicks off the ...
Current local time in Pacific Daylight Time (Pacific Daylight Time time zone). Get information about the Pacific Daylight Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving ...
Pacific allies don’t usually air their dirty laundry in public. But a rare on-the-record dispute between New Zealand and Kiribati has renewed focus on the poor and isolated island nation ...
Winter is winding down as the sun is setting later each day, but nothing says spring like the day we spring the clocks forward for the start of Daylight Saving Time 2025. Under the current ...