Can trees from warmer places withstand Western Washington's sogginess? Forestry workers are starting a trial to find out.
As for McDonald's, you have to go all the way up to our vast and once friendly neighbor to eat at that place. Canada actually ...
SEATTLE — Over 100,000 households across western Washington are dealing with power outages after a significant overnight windstorm knocked down power lines and trees throughout the region.
Cutting down mature trees is not essential to the necessity of increasing housing density within the Seattle city limits, and the City Council needs to rescind its ill-advised 2023 development ...
The wind hasn't entirely ebbed yet, but the official alert expired at 10 am and - at least in our observation - things are calming. Much of what we covered in our morning report has been resolved, so ...
The company is pivoting to "biomass burial," a way to sequester carbon trapped in dead trees after a wildfire. Seattle-based climate tech company Mast Reforestation is pivoting to a new focus.