Peoria Unified School District governing board President Heather Rooks and her legal representatives have decided against ...
I'm falling for a man who's a writer, poet and musician. He lives a modest live, though, and I'm worried, though, he won't ...
DEAR ABBY: I’m falling for a man at church. I’m a widow, and he’s a widower. We have been seeing each other for about two ...
President Donald Trump and his supporters often ground their anti-trans actions in “religious freedom” for Christians.
My brother-in-law thinks he is good with his hands. He built a deck on the back of his house, and it's obvious that he's not ...
BAKERSFIELD, Mo. (KY3/Gray News) - A Missouri family who was out of town for a concert came back to find their home in ruins ...
I want to be honest with him and help him, but I’m afraid it will change things and that money will put a wall between us.
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips.
He bragged to me about how he got away with not having to pull any permits and never had the city inspect it while he was building it. He also didn’t have it inspected when it was finished.
Fishing in the cold at night on the Columbia River may not sound like a good idea, but this fisherman is so glad he didn’t ...
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Both were by the French poet, social worker and mystic Madeleine Delbrêl: “For the Gospel to reveal its mystery, no special ...