Dubliners may see dust from the Sahara Desert on their cars after rain showers this weekend. A plume of dust from the African ...
Desert dust represents the largest source of aerosols in the atmosphere by mass. These fine terrestrial particles emitted by ...
At the beginning of next week, large amounts of Saharan dust will once again flood the atmosphere, and strong southwesterly ...
Rare storms temporarily create lakes in the Sahara desert, revealing surprising moisture pathways and climate connections.
Cloud laden with dust particles from the Sahara desert are set to colour the sky over Luxemboug on Friday, 21 March - the ...
A new study recently published in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, provides new insights into the meteorological ...
With this amount of sand coverage, there’s still plenty of opportunity for the formation of vast dune seas, known as ergs.
Romania’s National Meteorological Administration (ANM) announced that a mass of air containing Saharan dust will reach ...
Prof. Toros says high-pressure systems and wind currents transport the dust, leading to changes in air quality and noticeable ...