Physicians engaged in palliative and end-of-life care can appreciate the tremendous value social workers add to an ...
March is Social Work Month. Each day, social workers help millions of Americans navigate life’s challenges. The theme for ...
Answer Key” aims to help families by responding to an important question about education and schools in Greater Houston. If you have a question for us to answer, please email us at ...
(Mass Appeal) – If you’ve ever had a loved one enter hospice care then you probably came across the social worker assigned to you and your family. But what is the role of that worker as it ...
Scales stated that historically, women were on the front lines of social work, while the head social workers or supervisors at the top were men, but she believes that this has improved in recent ...
Master of Social Work degree prepares aspiring social work professionals with clinical skills and evidence-based practice ...
Social workers offer vital support: psychosocial aid, community engagement and prevention of harm, especially for children and women; they also build resilient communities, ensuring the vulnerable are ...
Secretary Rex Gatchalian on Tuesday commended the dedication and selfless acts of social workers to help families affected by ...
Think Ahead wants 24,000 more NHS mental health social workers recruited over next 10 years but warns trusts are cutting back ...