China's glacier area has shrunk by 26% since 1960 due to rapid global warming, with 7,000 small glaciers disappearing ...
Despite the Russian leader's 2022 declaration, Moscow does not fully control these Ukrainian regions but hopes that the U.S.
In a groundbreaking study, Chinese scientists have turned to advanced technology to map the nation’s forests and count its ...
Autonomous regions exist in many different contexts around the world. While some countries decide to embrace autonomy fully ...
More than 100 helicopters and 9,000 personnel have been deployed to battle the fires in Sancheong and elsewhere in southern ...
Vietnamese consumers boycott the Baby Three doll over claims that its design resembles China's disputed nine-dash line, leading to government investigations and plummeting sales.
Guizhou's big data journey began with leveraging its natural advantages — a moderate climate, stable seismic conditions and ...
Scientists in China used laser drones to count over 142 billion trees, offering new insights into forest coverage and ...
The United States and European Union have demonstrated rising interest in Central Asia’s critical minerals in recent months.
Newsweek's weekly update maps the locations of 13 aircraft carriers in the Indo-Pacific region as of March 21.
Under Xi Jinping’s rule, not only has the CCP taken a more extensive role in everyday life, it has redefined the meaning of what it is to be Chinese.
KUNMING -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, inspected the city of Lijiang, ...