Discover how reading boosts intelligence, empathy, and success. Learn practical tips to rebuild your reading habits in the ...
The latest from Columbia poet Gabriel Fried explores thin places between expressions of gender, between faith and doubt.
Poetry and feminism have always been intertwined but in recent years, many new feminist and queer voices have emerged and ...
Physics and poetry both distil complexity into clarity. Learn how poetic structure can shape and express scientific ideas.
Explore the powerful poetry of former New America Fellows Sarah Kay and Clint Smith, reflecting on culture and the transformative power of words.
There is magic in words, especially when performed live and Amandeep Singh, a former software engineer turned spoken word ...
Self-knowledge isn’t given—it is realized. To know oneself is to see beyond illusions, to act with awareness, and to care for ...
Warren Buffett advises investors to stay calm amid market volatility, quoting Kiplings poem "If." With Nasdaq in correction ...
The poem is part of a collection of letters ... And here is the program for achieving a truly forgiving heart: SUNDAY: ...
Since 1928, the average bear market — defined by a decline of 20% or more from recent highs — has lasted less than 10 months, ...
Hardly any English-language poetry written during successive waves of bubonic plague focused directly on the effects of the disease, for instance, and exceptions often had a purpose external to ...
Click here to enter the contest! The form will ask for some basic information, and you will upload your poem to the form as an attachment. You may also upload an audio or video file of yourself ...