Correct us if we are wrong, but there’s nothing quite like summer on the water. The sun’s out, the breeze is perfect, and the ...
Newark Advocate Faith Works columnist Jeff Gill launches his four-week overview of the Bible's 66 books, starting from the ...
Every time a major Amazon sale comes our way, we pay particularly close attention to the items that sell out the quickest and ...
‘Careless People’ tells a story about leadership we can all learn from.
Leisure is not at all straightforward or easy. I have no interest in frittering away a minute of my day on fruitless pursuits ...
In “A Working Man,” whose script was coauthored by Ayer and Sylvester Stallone, Statham plays a construction worker with a violent past from which he’s trying to distance himself. (Fat chance in this ...
Michael Caine praised Taylor Swift's work ethic in his new book, Don’t Look Back, You’ll Trip Over: My Guide to Life.
The comedians' new joint venture, Thousand Percent, produces video and audio content and just shot a ridiculously funny ...
Sometimes the most consequential moments in a family’s past are the ones they don’t talk about together very often.
In the shadow of tech overreach and endless tracking, a quiet revolution rises—one where wisdom, awareness, and dignity are ...
Didier Eribon’s account of his mother’s decline, The Life, Old Age and Death of a Working Class Woman, is frank and moving, if a tad clunky ...