If nights spend rubbing shoulders with celebrities in Hollywood or the days spent strolling the Sunset Strip have you worn out, then it’s time to leave Tinsel Town for a few days and take a […] ...
Newsweek's weekly update maps the locations of 13 aircraft carriers in the Indo-Pacific region as of March 21.
Researchers who have studied genetic evidence of iguanas suggest the ancient reptiles traveled nearly 5,000 miles from North ...
Most iguanas live in the Americas. But scientists have found evidence some floated to Fiji, likely snacking on their raft ...
U.S. Congresswoman Amata Radewagen, who represents American Samoa, has urged the Trump administration to reopen most of an ...
Federal assistance is an investment into the social and economic development of our Pacific Islanders that leads to self-sustainment, economic growth, and financial stability,” she added.
A 3.3-magnitude earthquake reportedly occurred near Vashon Island late Monday night, according to the Pacific Northwest ...
The most recent risk assessment, outlined in maps published by the California Geological Survey, illustrate the devastation ...
You may have already been in bed Monday night when a 3.3 magnitude earthquake hit just off Vashon Island in Quartermaster ...
The iguanas' 8,000-kilometer trip — one-fifth of the Earth’s circumference — is the longest made by a flightless land vertebrate.
But new research suggests that millions of years ago, iguanas pulled off the 5,000 mile (8,000 kilometer) odyssey on a raft ...
The governments of Taiwan and Palau have both been warned that offers of investment from the Cambodian conglomerate Prince Group represent threats to each nation’s security and sovereignty.