Nuclear power output in France ... with its nuclear fleet, but Germany is relying on more expensive gas and coal-fired stations after shutting its last atomic plant in 2023.
The German economy currently faces many problems. The three most pressing structural economic issues are energy, the changing ...
On January 8th, the United Kingdom nearly faced a blackout. David Rose notes that the “margin between electricity demand ...
Renewable energy already generates one-third of the world's electricity, with China leading the pack. Is the momentum enough ...
The Prime Minister and Polish leader met in Warsaw a day after they joined dozens of other world leaders to mark the 80th ...
Meaning dark wind lull, Dunkelflaute describes weather that means renewable energy cannot be generated. But how is this ...
French year-ahead power prices traded at a record discount to those in Germany, underlining France’s strong nuclear ...
Germany, Europe's largest wind power producer, is experiencing its most prolonged period of below-average wind speed since ...
In the popular imagination, nuclear power plants conjure fears of catastrophic explosions and radiation leaks, such as the Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine in 1986. In reality, hundreds of reactors ...