A group of exuberated North Carolina fishermen thrillingly caught and released a hefty great white shark in the Outer Banks.
The mysterious Greenland shark has an unusually long lifespan, and scientists are beginning to think they finally know why.
Not every creature is built for peak survival. While some animals have evolved to sprint, soar, or blend into their surroundings, others have developed unusual traits that seem to defy practicality.
Watching a great white shark shoot out of the water only a few feet from your boat is chilling! Listen to this crowd react!
The Ocean Census has discovered over 800 new marine species, including the rare guitar shark, through global expeditions and ...
Everyone's favorite prehistoric shark may have been much sleeker and much larger than previously thought. A new study ...
University of Miami researchers with the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science say great whites are like ...
Photo from Justin Maxwell via Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage Wood is generally considered a rare material for ... “It is by far the most important discovery in New Zealand ...
Shark introduces TurboBladeâ„¢, revolutionizing ... is revolutionizing the home cooling category with the launch of TurboBladeâ„¢, the most powerful bladeless fan* that delivers the ability ...
Shark attacks are extraordinarily rare in Oregon. The only fatality of ... The shark plate is the most recent in a series of specialty license plates benefiting Oregon State ...
Shark attacks in and around the Philippines' waters are very rare, with none recorded in at least a year, according to a global database. An investigation is currently underway, and the coastguard ...
Singh, has been featured on Shark Tank, marking a rare achievement for a real estate book. The publisher presented it as one of their most successful titles, solidifying its reputation as a go-to ...