In the rush towards ever-greater personalisation, we must not lose sight of what makes learning meaningful, writes Kathy ...
Sir Stephen Fry narrates an illustrated story asking whether it's ever right to lie? This video is aimed at pupils studying ...
Sir Stephen Fry narrates an illustrated story asking do adult always know best? This video is aimed at pupils studying at KS2 ...
Ciera Harris launches her new book, 'The Thinking Reader,' aiming to revolutionize literacy education by focusing on metacognition and critical thinking skills.
As exam burden intensifies, students push themselves into a cycle of studying beyond their reasonable capacities out of ...
Studies of young children give us insight into the building blocks of an ability that most of us use every day ...
You can promote self-directed learning by breaking down tasks and integrating an AI chatbot into your course management ...
A study published in PLOS Mental Health explores the role of metacognition in mental health, focusing on its association with ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) can process hundreds of documents in seconds, identify imperceptible patterns in vast datasets ...
"It was a deliberate choice. I thought he was too majestic to have anyone impersonate him and - as I told him - 'You're too old to play the part.'" Affleck was then asked whether Jordan actually ...
“It’s thoughts, essentially, that you don’t want to have,” he explained. “And then they cause you stress. And then you’re stressed out, and then the stress causes you to have more of ...
Metacognition, or the ability to think about one’s own thinking, is a crucial skill for English Language Learners (ELLs) across all content areas. By fostering self-awareness and self-regulation, ...