PsychoHairapy trains beauty professionals to use hair as a gateway to mental health, turning salons into spaces for healing ...
Social media can be fun, but research shows it’s also linked to anxiety, stress, and even body image issues. A global study ...
Discover how spirituality boosts mental health—new research reveals its powerful role in reducing anxiety, fighting ...
The DSM is a diagnostic tool that standardizes symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for mental disorders. However, there are ...
Stronger gun safety policies may have spared Jonathan Brostoff's life. He was passionate about suicide prevention and mental ...
Walking into my son’s Atlanta-based Jewish school, I was immediately confronted with a sight that left me unsettled: ...
Donald Trump and his supporters have accused critics of having 'Trump derangement syndrome.' Minnesota Republicans want to classify it as a mental illness.
For years, mental health was either ignored or misunderstood. Today, however, it is one of the most discussed topics in ...
"If I were to order a coffee, I could show the symbol on a keyring," Kitty added ... Kitty said her stammer does not just ...
Cultural determinations are increasingly recognised as being crucial to mental health. We discuss an example from Indigenous Australian communities, one of the oldest continuing cultures in the world ...
They advocate for open conversations about mental health and self-care. Sharing these journeys on social media can be a status symbol, showcasing vulnerability and strength. In-article Gallery ...
If you have persistent sadness or other symptoms of a mental health condition, seek professional help. (Photo Credit: E+/Getty Images) Some mental illnesses run in families. But that doesn't mean ...