Scientists have found unusual, blueberry-like rocks on Mars that could give us more insights into its geological history.
Curiosity rover cracked open a Martian rock, revealing a sight never before seen on Mars - a dazzling display of yellow ...
NASA Technicians do final checks on NASA's Spirit rover in this image from March 28, 2003. The rover - and its twin, ...
The idea of an ancient Martian ocean has fascinated scientists for decades. Now, groundbreaking research based on radar scans ...
The Mars Curiosity rover’s onboard mini-lab has helped confirm the existence of the largest organic molecules ever found on ...
The conditions for the emergence of life on the Red Planet were probably even better than assumed. This is indicated by ...
While Curiosity mission scientists have previously identified small, simple organic molecules on the red planet, the ...
NASA's Curiosity Rover has discovered long carbon chains on Mars. On Earth, molecules like these are overwhelmingly produced ...