Florida’s coastline is about to get mapped, and it’s all thanks to two unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) launched in St.
The Saya de Malha Bank is one of the world’s largest seagrass fields and the planet’s most important carbon sinks. It faces incalculable risks that threaten the future of humanity.
Nestled away in the Indian Ocean, the bank’s seagrass habitats are being decimated by a multinational fleet of fishing ships ...
The melting of the Greenland ice sheet is now the largest contributor to sea level rise, and scientists at UNH are traveling ...
After suspecting the presence of a series of underwater volcanoes near the Cook Islands, researchers have now mapped out the ...
After suspecting the presence of a series of underwater volcanoes near the Cook Islands, researchers have now mapped out the ...
This story was originally published by Grist with the headline The weirdest ways scientists are mining for critical minerals, ...
Little cottages and beach houses nestle among shore pines that grow at crazy angles from years of ocean winds. Some of the ...
Picture an ocean world so deep and dark it feels like another planet – where creatures glow and life survives under crushing pressure. This ...
From frigatebirds and gulls to curlews and cormorants, researchers are tapping the ”Internet of Animals” to map, understand, and protect our changing world.
The menu at Ugly Crab reads like a love letter to oceanic bounty, with lobster positioned as the undisputed headliner. While the selection spans an impressive range of seafood options—from snow crab ...
A wholesale gutting of the United States weather service is placing international weather and climate modelling at risk.