MELAKA, 7 Mac (Bernama) -- Jumlah mangsa banjir di Melaka meningkat kepada 330 orang daripada 93 keluarga setakat 8 pagi ini berbanding 248 orang daripada 77 keluarga pada 8 malam tadi.
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
Negeri Melaka mempunyai sejarah yang panjang dan terkenal sebagai sebuah kesultanan Melayu yang berkuasa. Walaupun sultan yang terakhir memerintah telah digulingkan oleh penjajah Portugis yang tiba di ...
MELAKA, Feb 24 — Melaka will host seven national and international tennis tournaments throughout the year which will be held at the Hang Tuah Jaya Municipal Council (MPHTJ) Tennis Complex, Ayer Keroh.
Keselamatan perairan Selat Melaka berada dalam keadaan terkawal hasil rondaan dan operasi penguatkuasaan berterusan selain kerjasama serantau yang kukuh dengan negara jiran, kata Ketua Pengarah ...
ALOR GAJAH: Aedes mosquito bites Datuk Ngwe Hee Sem when he was leading a recent dengue prevention operation at a second-hand dealer store and lorry parking yard in the Melaka Tengah district.
Gambar hiasan ALOR GAJAH: Kerajaan negeri akan berkerjasama dengan empat pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) di Melaka dalam memperhebatkan program gotong-royong di kampung atau bandar bagi menghapuskan ...
ALOR GAJAH: Close partnerships between Asean countries, especially Malaysia and Indonesia, form a synergy that strengthens maritime security along the strategic Melaka Straits. The Malaysian ...
MELAKA, Feb 14 — The Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) took nearly 12 hours to fully extinguish a bushfire at Taman Muzaffar Heights, Ayer Keroh, which spread across 6.8 hectares. Its Melaka ...
Gula melaka is extracted as a sap from the flower’s bud and later—in a massive pan—stirred over low heat to remove all moisture and essentially caramelized. Like any other type of sugar, the sweet sap ...
While most businesses just scratch the surface when leveraging data for action, Yuhan Lim makes it an art form. The Malaysian tech entrepreneur is a wizard at bringing together artificial intelligence ...