Smart devices comprise three essential components: hardware, software, and a power supply. Similarly, humans consist of a body, mind, and spirit. The ...
Getting to outer space is tough, but living there presents a whole new slew if issues. Check out how astronauts accomplish ...
Exercise, especially strengthening exercise, improved the sleep quality scores of older adults more than normal activity.
Between the VR headsets and wearable trackers, are we really creating healthier habits or just becoming more tech-dependent?
Pulmonary rehabilitation significantly improves physical capacity, lung function, and quality of life in long COVID patients, with the greatest benefits seen in 4-8 week programs combining breathing ...
Enhance lung health and performance - Pick up the ‘dumbbell for your diaphragm’ to improve lung capacity, efficiency and ...
Elite military units and emergency responders use specific tactical breathing techniques to manage stress and improve performance during high-pressure situation ...
Placed on a noninvasive mechanical ventilation mask to pump supplemental oxygen into his lungs. Prognosis remains guarded.
NASA’s SpaceX Crew-10 astronauts will test innovative exercise methods to prepare for deep-space missions where bulky gym ...
Experts say there are no guarantees that anti-snoring devices will work for you, but they’re worth a try, so long as you ...
Lungpacer Medical, a leading neurostimulation company committed to advancing therapies that assist patients in overcoming the negative effects of mechanical ventilation (MV), is excited to announce ...
The RA Godoy® device reproduces the physiological movements of the calf and foot muscles, functioning as a venous and lymphatic “pseudo-heart.” In this study, the effects of a passive mechanical ...