The talented canines are performers in a comedy-filled acrobatic and stunt dog show called Mutts Gone Nuts. In their sixth show at the Norwell theater earlier this month, the dogs performed almost ...
A new review article unveils the world of flexible micromachined ultrasound transducers (MUTs), an emerging technology at the intersection of wearables, ultrasound, and MEMS. These cutting-edge ...
MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - Get ready to let the good times roll—on four legs! The Mystic Mutts of Revelry (MMOR) pet parade, presented by McSharry’s Irish Pub, will hit the streets of Downtown ...
USA president Donald Trump lasi käiku terve rea Venemaa demagoogilisi argumente, süüdistades Ukraina presidenti Zelenskõid sõja esilekutsumises ning kutsus Ukrainat üles valimisi korraldama. Rainer ...
„Filosoofia ei ole eurooplastel ju kuidagi muutunud. Ma ei tea, mida on neil läbirääkimiste laua taga teha. Kui nad hakkavad välja pakkuma mingeid salakavalaid ideid konflikti külmutamise kohta, aga ...
Mihhail Kõlvart (Keskerakond) ja Jevgeni Ossinovski (SDE) saavad olema kohalike valimiste suurimad vastandujad. Linnapeatoolile kandideerivad peale nende ka Reformierakonna ja Isamaa esindaja. „Vara ...
The pet food drive will start on April 3 to 28, however, there will be an opportunity to contribute early at Mutts on Main Saturday on the historic downtown Gainesville square. Donations can be ...