Who would have thought that a day that would reach 80-degrees in Necedah would see myself and 3 good friends Rick Miotke, ...
With the warm weather these past few days the ice on the Great Lakes is quickly receding. Here's a look at how the ice cover measured up this winter.
The Great Lakes saw more than 50% ice coverage in February. As temperatures warm up, that percentage is falling quickly. Here's the current status.
As of March 16, average ice cover across the lakes was roughly 13.5%. Lake Superior was at 9.2%, and Lake Michigan was at ...
Great Lakes ice coverage reached an historic low in ... from deepest to shallowest from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Lake Superior: 483 feet in average depth, maximum depth at 1,332 ...
A man from Duluth, Minnesota, caught his first ever lake trout with a guide who has a track record of finding big fish on ...