Also this week: "Wild at Heart" in 35mm, another edition of the Nitrate Film Festival kicks off at American Cinematheque and the Michael Roemer renaissance continues.
Black History Month is in full force! Events that acknowledge, honor and celebrate the history, achievements and contributions of Black people living in the United States continue to take place across ...
The theme for Black History Month is "African Americans and Labor" as designated by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute is ...
Families looking for some summer fun in the middle of winter should consider wa road trip to a nearby indoor water park. Some amusement sites offer slides with crazy twists and turns, surf simulators, ...
Who's ready for spring break to finally begin? For those heading to Florida's theme parks this season, here's what to know about holiday crowd ...
To offer additional flexibility, when generating your slides, you can choose a visual theme. After the slides are generated, you can edit them just like any other presentation in Google Slides, export ...
The first "Labor Day parade" in the U.S. was a protest march — one that went on to inspire an annual tradition. On September 5, 1882, 10,000 workers in New York City left their jobs and marched from ...
Republic Day 2025: Celebrated with great patriotism, Republic Day is a national holiday in India. In 2025, the country will commemorate its 76th Republic Day. Republic Day 2025: Republic Day ...
The Law Day theme, Advancing the Rule of Law Now, offers opportunities for dialogue, learning, and sharing across a variety of audiences. In our modern and virtual world, when so many of us can record ...
Law Day subthemes are designed to help anyone approach the 2021 Law Day theme, Advancing the Rule of Law Now from different angles and to delve more deeply into aspects of the theme. They’re designed ...