part of the Kuril Islands chain between Japan and Russia. Previously, the likely culprit was wrongly attributed to a tropical volcano. The eruption, one of the most powerful of the 19th century ...
for assigning the name Sorge to a nameless cape of the Yuri island (the Lesser Kuril Chain). The committee supported the proposal unanimously. The Sakhalin Region’s residents are invited to ...
Russia’s defense ministry has said it has deployed mobile coastal defense missile systems on a northern Kuril island--part of a strategically located chain of islands that stretch between Japan ...
Scottish researchers have identified the Zavaritsky volcano on Simushir Island in the Kuril Islands as the source of a mysterious 1831 eruption that led to global cooling and widespread famines.
Russia’s defense minister intends to station a new Russian army division on the disputed Kuril Islands in 2017. The deadlock is rooted in the entrenched positions of both sides.
Responding to questions in the Japanese parliament, Shigeru Ishiba said that "the issue of ownership of the four islands is central to negotiations on a peace treaty with Russia" TOKYO, December 2.
The blunt remarks by Medvedev, a former president who is deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, over what Moscow calls the Kuril islands ... on the disputed island chain.