Its first iteration was signed by Putin in 2020, and he approved latest version Tuesday, according to the Kremlin. It outlines when Russia could dip into its atomic arsenal. Since Russia invaded ...
Since the invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin appears to have made conventional weapons its greater priority—at least for now.
The Kremlin has responded to former Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s claim that the Biden administration attempted to ...
The Kremlin's frequent use of nuclear rhetoric is linked to its deteriorating global position and uncertainty about its ...
Negotiations between the world's two largest nuclear powers have been left at an impasse amid tensions over the Ukraine conflict ...
The Kremlin hopes the West understands the “absurdity and potential danger” of discussing the possibility of providing nuclear weapons to Ukraine, Putin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov reportedly told ...
The security services are taking all necessary measures to protect the Russian president spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said Russian Preside ...
The Kremlin has been discussing Donald Trump's claims that a meeting between him and Vladimir Putin is being set up. Meanwhile, Russian elites are concerned with Vladimir Putin's efforts to wage a ...