To answer these questions and understand the inner essence of the kiyor, we need to return to sefer Bereishit, to the Creation. Water in the Torah has a slightly schizophrenic personality.
The innermost aspects of being are revealed in the interior of the Tent of Meeting in the Mishkan, or in the Hechal (or sanctuary) of the Beit HaMikdash.
Cameroonian artist Maurice Mboa’s 'Indelible' in Tel Aviv showcases soul print engravings exploring identity and spirituality ...
Official history asserts that the Jewish people have existed continuously from the time of Abraham to the present day, thanks ...
Being reconciled to the God of compassion is bound to have a transformative effect on the one who is reconciled, That person ...
In 1819 the Society for the Culture and Science of the Jews was organized in Berlin, whose president from 1821-1824 was the ...
Today, among his rabbinical duties as a rabbi at the Adventure Judaism Congregation, he prepares 20 students a year for B’nai ...
Meanwhile, northern Israeli city near Lebanon resembles ‘ghost town’ with large malls abandoned and most residents yet to return ...
Here are recent books with Jewish themes or characters, written by local Jewish authors, for anyone looking for a read or ...
As the 21 slates running this year ramp up their campaigns, American Jews at different fringes of the community are debating ...
Israel markets itself as “the land of creation” — and for good reason. Israel is home to the Holy Land, to a plethora of ...
So, who tells our story? The answer is brutally simple: either we do, or others will. Either we proudly teach our children ...