S ome see Joshua Tree as just another desert landscape, but others swear it is a spiritual vortex with an energy unlike ...
If you have extra time, Rock Climbing is worthwhile. Climbers flock to Joshua Tree from around the world to tackle the literally thousands of routes open to them. There are challenges for all ...
“Joshua Tree is a place that’s taught me to love ... According to Palley, two climbers spent approximately 30 minutes climbing up Intersection Rock before hanging an upside-down 6-by-10 ...
The main visitor center to the park houses a bookstore, cafe and restrooms. It's a good place to start your visit, pick up maps and find out what might be happening in the park that day.
In Joshua Tree, locals and business owners, including photographer Casey Kiernan and climbing guide Seth Heydon Zaharias, gathered outside the visitor center, holding signs and passing out flyers.
At the 2025 Para Climbing National Championships, 140 climbers competed for personal satisfaction, individual achievement and ...