AIR SEOUL, Air Premia, Eastar Jet, Jeju Air, JIN AIR, T’way Air) last month was 2,593,821, which is a 2% decrease compared to the same period last year. Last month, the eight LCCs operated 16,546 ...
Feb. 7 (UPI) -- Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba is set to meet U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington Friday.
South Korean authorities said Thursday all airports across the country will be ordered to install bird detection cameras and radars after the Jeju Air crash that left 179 people dead.
Over 225 flights canceled, leaving 15,000 passengers stranded as heavy snow and strong winds hit many regions, including southern Jeju Island - Anadolu Ajansı ...
Heavy snowfall that had accumulated on roads since Thursday led to a series of traffic accidents across the country on Friday.
SEOUL, Feb. 7 (Yonhap) -- Over 4.3 million passengers traveled via South Korea's airports during this year's Lunar New Year ...
Snow is forecast nationwide on Friday as the severe cold snap that began Monday persists. The greater Seoul area and parts of ...