NPR's Scott Simon talks with John Himmelman about his new collection of illustrated poems for children, "The Boy Who Lived in ...
These days, Alissa Quart’s attention has broken into strange shapes. But she has found a reprieve in one thing: poetry.
Indiana author Rebecca Kai Dotlich writes about how a childhood spent collecting lyrics and words sparked her love of poetry.
Sign up for the Slatest to get the most insightful analysis, criticism, and advice out there, delivered to your inbox daily. There is an alarming set of paragraphs ...
Just a month after soap alum Colin Egglesfield (ex-Josh, All My Children) revealed that he had ... up appointment and he let me know that I am cancer-free for the third time.” ...
"I am an individual who is deeply concerned with the inequities as we all are, but ill equipped to solve any of them," Tom Waits explained. By Tyler Jenke Tom Waits has added his talents to the ...
The fact that there is a scene of poetry... it's not just words ... When I visit theatres, I feel people have adopted me. When children see that I am alive, they come and hug me, they cling ...
It has taken time, but I am slowly shedding my personal fears about talking about money. Ultimately, shielding my kids from the impact money can have on our lives isn’t in their best interest.
His latest book of poems, “Doggerel,” is forthcoming ... I coached rec basketball for children for eight consecutive years. By the time an officer arrived and asked me for my license, I ...
Question: I am in my fifties and come from a small town ... We had three marvellous children and they were brought up in a great house full of laughter, curiosity, intelligence, sport, literature ...