A noisy protest calling for the House of Lords to be abolished led to a pause in proceedings in Westminster’s second chamber on Thursday ...
You what? I said to my team in Number Ten, as they explained the origins of Covid. What did you say they were doing?
A creature rarely seen since it was discovered more than 100 years ago was found for the first time — accidentally — in Tibet.
The Chinese scientist who was imprisoned for secretly creating the world’s first genetically-engineered babies has claimed he ...
A research team using EST-SSR molecular marker technology reveals vital information on the genetic diversity and structure of nine natural populations of Phoebe bournei, providing a scientific ...
A stunning discovery in China is shaking up what we thought we knew about human evolution. Scientists have uncovered a ...
Dr. Yang Jian, leader of the team that published the Nature article unveiling a new method known simply as "gsMap" Photo: ...
Politicians have mocked and cut federally funded research for decades, but funding basic science has a history of lifesaving ...
MURDOCH, AUSTRALIA —An international team of scientists from Australia and China announced the first chromosome-scale genome of a wild barley species, describing the breakthrough as a significant ...
Five years after COVID-19 reached pandemic status, public health experts reflect on what we learned—and how those lessons can ...
LANZHOU -- Researchers have recently uncovered the genetic basis of camouflage in Corydalis hemidicentra, an alpine plant and ...
The modernization of the agri-food system is necessary to make agriculture sustainable and ensure food and nutrition security ...