as part of the Employment Rights Bill, will support over a million employees to stay in work, raise living standards and create opportunities as we deliver on our Plan to Make Work Pay for all.” ...
Over three million workers will receive a pay increase next month, with some seeing their income rise by more than £1,000 a year. The increase comes as the National Living Wage and National ...
FOR too long now Britain’s benefits bill has been unaffordable. The annual cost of employment and ­disability benefits stands at a whopping £65billion. But even more damaging than the vast ...
for managing their finances and work-life balance, while also highlighting educational reforms to break gender stereotypes in school textbooks. Listen to Story Nara Lokesh says, My wife pays my credit ...
More than 90 countries do not have laws mandating equal pay for equal work, while dozens of others prohibit women from working in certain industries, such as construction or manufacturing.
Put in the work and eventually it pays off. “You know it was kind of ... but get through the highs and lows, keep working hard.” ...