Michigan will retain more water quality protections than many states but could still be impacted by pollution from other ...
Lake Victoria is the largest of Africa’s Great Lakes, the second largest in the world after Lake Superior. George Bullerjahn, ...
Federal cuts could allow over 1 million lamprey to survive, consuming nearly 5 million pounds of fish and resulting in $105 ...
Experts and local environmental activists say cuts to the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory could have an ...
As of March 16, average ice cover across the lakes was roughly 13.5%. Lake Superior was at 9.2%, and Lake Michigan was at ...
"Our current representative, Bill Huizenga, hasn't kept up with what he promised and what he ran his campaign on, which is ...
U.S. cuts to research at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Fish and Wildlife Service imperil ...
Illinois last month had delayed signing paperwork with the Army Corps of Engineers, citing “uncertainty” of funding from the Trump administration.
The state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and New York Sea Grant have announced $200,000 funding is now available for projects benefiting New York’s Great Lakes basin by demonstrating ...
“As Co-Chairs of the Great Lakes Task Force, we urge the state of Illinois to promptly sign the necessary documents and end further delays in the critical ecosystem protection construction at ...